PrivacyHawk Logo


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Our Privacy App
Easily manages and controls who uses your data for tens of thousands of organizations.
Automates deleting, unsubscribing, and managing your data.
Identifies and eliminates security risks with your personal data.
We use automation to detect which companies are likely to have your personal data and make it easy to control how that data is used, or have it deleted based on your local privacy regulations if you no longer want that organization using your data.
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Who we are

We are a mission driven founding team of engineers and consumer data experts. Our founders are digital natives and have exhaustive experience on how consumer data is being exploited, sold, shared, and hacked.
PrivacyHawk is headquartered in Los Angeles, California, USA.
We are privacy advocates, big data experts, and engineers that believe consumer privacy has gotten out of control. We can’t rely on the government, corporations, or other institutions to protect us from spam, scams, manipulation, ID theft, or hackers.
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Our Team

Aaron Mendes's LinkedIn Photo
Aaron Mendes
CEO & Co-Founder
Justin Wright's Employee Photo
Justin Wright
CTO & Co-Founder
Kevin Cipollaro's LinkedIn Photo
Kevin Cipollaro
SVP of Business Development
Fernando Cervantes's Employee Photo
Fernando Cervantes
Technical Customer Support
Geraldo Salazar's LinkedIn Photo
Geraldo Salazar
Lead Software Engineer
Pedro Solano's Employee Photo
Pedro Solano
Sr. Software Engineer
Ale Rodriguez's LinkedIn Photo
Ale Rodriguez
Sr. Marketing Manager
Barbara Alvarez's Employee Photo
Barbara Alvarez
Chief of Staff
Bruna Prado's LinkedIn Photo
Bruna Prado
QA Specialist
Edgar Durand's Employee Photo
Edgar Durand
Sr. Software Engineer
George Tarielashvili's LinkedIn Photo
George Tarielashvili
Sr. UI/UX Designer
Laura Castillo's Employee Photo
Laura Castillo
Content Coordinator
Pamela Soriano's LinkedIn Photo
Pamela Soriano
Software Engineer
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PrivacyHawk, Inc. © 2024. All right reserved